2021 Fundraising Page
Chris Rosa
My fundraising Goal is $1,500
So far I've raised $2,730
I'm raising money for: Olive (100%)
Hey look...I did this a few years ago.
My Messages |
May 24 |
WoooWWWW! That's all I can think! Sorry for the delay in sending this, but donations closed up last week, and I had a mystery donation come in right at the wire that not only pushed me to the top of the leaderboard, but also pushed Olive Elementary to the #1 spot!! Simply amazing!! Thanks to the mystery sponsor and to all of you that supported me along the way!! Both Olive and I are so lucky to have your support! Much love and thanks!! <3 Chris |
May 2 |
My final ride for #SchoolFuel #TourofNovato is complete! Short ride today of 12.6 miles, which I was glad for because it was kinda windy today. Knocked out the remaining 5 discovery stops! Huge thanks to all my supporters! #OliveElementary was way behind in the overall fundraising standings due to poor turn out for our school this year, but your help really helped make a difference! Donations are still being accepted until May 19th! |
April 24 |
I made my goal of $1000 thanks to my amazing sponsors!! So you know what that means...I'm moving the goal posts. Let's see if we can make $1500. The ride today went great. I knocked out 6 more discovery stops. Just 5 more left to go. Check out a little movie with highlights from my ride. https://www.relive.cc/view/vLqeGWKVJdO |
April 23 |
Hi everyone! I wanted to shoot out a message to my previous supporters directly, since Facebook hasn't proven to be that successful yet. For the Tour of Novato this weekend, I have a route planned for Saturday after Izzy's softball game in the morning that's ≈18miles. I'll be able to clear 6 of the discovery stops along the way. Weather permitting, I may try to get a ride in on Sunday too. Thanks again for your support. Olive Elementary really needs all the help it can get....we're currently ranked 12th! Much love, Chris p.s. Here's a map of my planned route. https://i.imgur.com/FUrswpS.png |
April 18 |
First time on my bike in ages, so took it easy today. 7.37 miles and I hit Rush Creek, Deer Island, City Hall & the Novato History Museum, then home. Check out my ride here. https://www.strava.com/activities/5150776007 Hope to get back out this week. Thanks for your support!! |
April 18 |
Getting a late start, but jumping on the bike today. Since there isn't an actual route, I'll be picking these off as I can, rather than by Week. Stay tuned for more updates! |
My Supporters - Thank you for your donations! |
The Rosa Family |
$70 - Go Olive! |
Team Olive |
$1000 - Go Chris! |
Sarah & Fred |
$50 - Wow! Impressive ride for a great cause!! |
Jenny, Steve & Quinn |
O'Connor Family |
$50 - Thank you Chris for supporting Olive School! You are a rock star!!! |
Marcus and Graham |
$25 - Thank you Chris |
Rick Rosa |
$200 - Hello to Carina, Izzy & Donna |
Hafsa Malik |
$15 - Get it, Chris!! Proud of you! |
Erica & Jim |
$200 - Good job buddy, we're proud of you!! |
Gene & Annaliese |
$50 - Go Chris! 🚴 |
Julie Morgan |
$35 - Go Chris Go! |
The Remsings |
$25 - You are AWESOME! |
Ashley and Jason |
$200 - Cheers to kids being back in schools! Happy riding! |
Caelyn and Richard |
$75 - Keep it rollin' buddy! |
Gebert and Fam |
$55 - PEDAL pedal PEDAL pedal---->FASTER!! |
Jay & Dana |
$300 - Go Chris! |
Christina DePalma |
$25 - We love you! |
Uriu Family |
$5 - Go Olive! |
Jodie Grotins |
$50 - Go you! |
Donna Rosa |
$100 - Donna |
Chris Rosa |
$100 - Go me!! |
Thank you for your support. |